Sunday, November 13, 2005

VICTORY !!! ..... at Nitte's ETTIN-05

Well folks, let me take this priviledge to announce that we won the Championship at ETTIN - 05, the National Level Management Fest of Justice K.S.Hegde's magt institute NITTE, Udupi, Karnataka. We came first in the Marketing event for our brand of bitter and dark chocolate "Schocholat"; Stock game - made a Rs.100,000 profit in 3 days after invest Rs.50,00,000; Qiuz - 145 points and difference of around 80; Best Manager - Girish, it was indeed a tough event. We came Second in Entrepreneurship - Business Plan " Vividha"; Mock-Press - me as Deve Gowda; Human Resource event.
Cheers !!! :-)

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