Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I've just started my own blog, so i dont expect anything productive to be posted right away till some brain wave actually hits me. So for those who read this could give me some tips on blogging.


Sriram said...

hey.. good u started.. thats ok. everybody starts off new sometime.. you can also blogroll other bloggers , which means that u link their blog sites to your blog.. there is a links column on the right.. it will appear there.. go to the template and make this change.. after the http:// just put down the link u want,. and it will automatically link.. if u cant more.. just cut and paste that line to the next and add some more.. hope this helps..

Vinu Paul said...

Raghu! said...

hi ..... let me first Appreciate ur Endeavour! 2nd i noticed something wierd! ur page says "grow .. change.. evlove!" when actually it should have been evolve! its ok! 3 rd blogs are not for personal stuff! i know and am aware that u can use it that ways but as a real proffesional pls try to use this tool effectively!
